By Leeman Haidar
The Interim Administrator of College of Education Akwanga in Nasarawa State, Dr. Roseline Kella, has expressed worries over nonpayment of school fees by the students of the institution.

Dr Kella who disclosed this to Education Monitor recently, attributed scenario to the poverty level of most parents who are mostly subsistent farmers who could pay the school fees of their wards only after selling their farm produce.

The Sole Administrator said most students are waiting for their parents to sell their farm produce after harvest before paying their fees.

Speaking with some students who pleaded anonymity, Education Monitor gathered that most students have paid their school fees only but some few ones whose case is not related to anticipation of sales of agric produce before meeting such obligations.

The students faulted the College Administrator that farming season had since past, wondering what she intended to derive from such unguarded and completely untrue utterances.

“This is already the end of the year. Is it yam, Cassava, groundnut, beans, sorghums, that is yet to be harvested or what? She is only saying it for saying sake.

“Though there may be few who have not yet paid their school fees but that may not be connected to sales of farm produce”, a student said.

Dr. Roseline Kella, a former commissioner of Health in the state, took over as Interim Administrator of the College in February, 2020 (in acting capacity) from Dr. Rebecca Umaru, who served between 2013 and 2020, after the suspension of the latter by governor Abdulahi Sule of Nasarawa State due to looming crisis in the institution.

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