By Sonnie Ekwowusi It is nauseating that despite several meetings held with Nigerian officials and several briefs and memoranda sent to them, the Nigerian officials proceeded to sign the dreaded and devious Samoa Agreement. The Samoa Agreement, named after the Pacific Island, Samoa, where it was signed on November 15,Continue Reading

Ahmad Shuaibu Isa  Many concerned individuals worldwide may perceive the current Islamic system of government in Iran as something new and unlike the Western democratic model that champions majority rule while protecting minority rights. However, those familiar with Islamic principles understand that Islam places great emphasis on human rights andContinue Reading

By Muhammad Al-Ghazali  The late president was viewed as a ‘hardliner’ in the West. It is a term they use to distinguish between patriotic leaders of nations and compliant simpletons in the mould of Mobutu ever willing to do the bidding of their Western oppressors. World history teaches us thatContinue Reading

By Ahmad Shuaibu Isa Talking of selfless services from those with responsibilities simply means involvement in prioritizing the well-being and development of people, community or country over personal gain. This approach to leadership is often characterized by several key attributes that one can view through the lenses of empathy andContinue Reading

By Serges Kamga, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of the Free State, South Africa As Toyin Falola temporarily relocates to East and South Africa in the summer, giving lectures in Kenya, South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, and Botswana, he moves into what one can describe as “the orbit of intellectual comparison.”Continue Reading