By Samson Yaki
The undemocratic atrocities of Hon. Patrick Aisowieren, a House of Representatives member representating Orhionmwon/Uhunmwode Federal Constituency in Edo state, where he was caught snatching Ballot Boxes during the September 19 Gubernutorial elections have been demystified.
Honourable Patrick Aisowieren, who was hellbend to win the election by all means for his self glory, employed the services of over five hundred thugs, played it dirty, attempted to kill the people’s man Dcn Festus Osaigbovo who stood gallantly to deliver his unit which incidentally is the same with the disgraced and banished Hon. Patrick Aisowieren but all to no avail.
Security facts revealed how the helpless Honourable dishonoured himself and humbled by the people’s army and members of the security operatives in charge of the area during the election.
The security evidences showed Honourable Patrick, the supposed representative of his people at the Federal level, chose the path of betrayals, having tried to disrupt the process of salvation for the same people he represents.
This colosal failure and misfit, who have taken personal aggrandisement against the interest of the common man, did not only go unpunished as he met his waterlloo during the election, but may risk his position and possibly going to jail if the due process of law is evoked on him.
As at press time his home town Oza led by the Odionza of Oza had earlier placed a curse on him and banished him from the land for the sacrilege on the land after always getting maximum support from the community in previous elections even though he was no where near the best.