Berlin should talk to Moscow instead of sending weapons to Kiev, Matthias Moosdorf has said Nations willing to bet on military force alone in their relations with Moscow are bound to suffer a defeat, Matthias Moosdorf, a member of the German Bundestag’s Foreign Affairs Committee, warned at a parliamentary sessionContinue Reading

Following the theme that led the BRICS alliance throughout last year, Russia has said that ditching the US Dollar is 2024’s top priority. Indeed, the country is set to embrace the chairmanship of the group this year. Subsequently, it discussed the current financial reality of the global economic order asContinue Reading

My dear Prime Minister Binyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu (@netanyahu), I trust this open letter meets you well despite the challenges that both you and your nation are presently facing. Let me begin by asking you to forgive me for communicating with you through this rather unorthodox medium but I have noContinue Reading

By Queen Rania Al Abdullah Rania Al Abdullah is the queen of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Bethlehem usually comes alive at Christmas. Not this year. In the Holy Land, celebrations have been canceled: no parades, no bazaars, no public tree lightings. In my country, Jordan, where Jesus was baptized, our Christian communityContinue Reading

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has confirmed he will run for re-election next year, a move that can secure his leadership until at least 2030. Rewarding a medal to veterans of war in Ukraine on Friday, Putin confirmed he would run “for the post of president” again in the 2024 election. “IContinue Reading