The Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado has underpinned peaceful coexistence among the various nationalities in the country as the panacea for meaningful progress and national development.

He said this on Friday night in Abuja at the Annual National Prayer for Peace and Unity of the Tijjaniyya Islamic Religious Movement in Nigeria held at the Abuja National Mosque.

The one hour prayer was led by the World leader of the Tijjaniyya Islamic Religious Movement, Sheikh Muhammadul Mahy Niass, the Grand Khalifa and Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi.

The royal father, accompanied by the Estu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, to the prayers stressed the need for tolerance and understanding among the people so as to create a conducive environment for development and progress.

He also cautioned those drumming for war to sheath their sword and embrace peace, adding that all hands must be on deck in order to move the country forward.

“I am extremely delighted to be in this town and in this place, the National Mosque Abuja, to put our heads together to pray for the unity, peace, harmony and progress of our nation.

“We are gathered together here today for the purpose of peace, unity and stability of the country,” he said.

He observed that the gathering at the annual prayer showed that the people loved their country and had respect for the authorities.

The Emir then urged all Nigerians to be patient with leaders and admonised them to continue to pray for them for a positive impact on the lives of the people.

In his own charge, the Khalifa of the Movement in the country, Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi, re-echoed the need to embrace peace. He admonised religious leaders in the country to preach and pray for peace in the country.

Special prayers were offered for national peace and progress and for the health of President Muhammadu Buhari and for wisdom to be able to deliver on his campaign promises to the people.

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