By Samson Yaki

The Federal Government of Nigeria has again reiterated its determination to deliver on basic healthcare delivery to meet the healthcare needs of the citizens.

The Honourable Minister of State for Health, Dr. (Senator) Adeleke Olorunnimbe Mamora, disclosed this at the commissioning ceremony of some projects Tuesday, at the Federal Medical Centre Keffi, where he hailed the Centre’s Management for keying into Federal Government’s determination to Improve Health Care delivery in the country.

Senator Mamora said as part of President Buhari’s next level agenda in the health sector, the president has vowed to leave no stone unturned to revamp the Health Institution especially at the tertiary level which includes the Medical Centres and the Teaching Hospitals.

“Whatever we are doing, we are doing to help Mr. President in his next level agenda in the health sector to revamp the Health Institution especially at the tertiary level; the Medical Centres and the Teaching Hospitals.

“Also the Primary Health is very important because the healthcare delivery is like a pyramid and at the base of that pyramid is the primary healthcare which is the most important level of care where people have access, where people go for basic healthcare issues such as immunization, antenatal, family planning, health education; these are the things that are very important at that primary level.

“So whatever we are doing, we are doing as appointees of Mr. President, is to help him achieve what he has promised the people of Nigeria. And we cannot do it alone, which is why we work through our hospitals, our agencies and together we are able to achieve what Mr. President wants”, Mamora said.

The minister emphasized the importance of primary healthcare as the most important level of care where you give greater attention to the needs of the ordinary people; stating that the services at that level must be such that are available, affordable, and accessible as well.

“I Mentioned issues like antenatal care, family planning, immunization, health education, water hygiene and sanitation, all these are the basic things that happen at that level and once we are able to take charge of those things, then all you can get over other things.

“So at that level it is very critical that we pay attention and the whole of this administration is to ensure that at least one functional health centre is present in every political ward in the country”.

The Honourable Minister, while congratulating the Medical Director and the entire Management of the Hospital for developmental feats recorded at the Hospital, buttressed the need for peace, partnership and Legacy for any meaningful development and growth to take place in any establishment.

“The reason why I’m here is because of the peace that is here. Peace within and peace without. If you are not in good terms with the members of the management and the members of the workforce in this place, we won’t even be sitting down here. If you are not at peace with the members of the Board, it would not be comfortable for you.

“If you move out, if you are not at peace with the Royal Majesty, who is the chief Land Lord of this place, I’m sure the seat will not be comfortable for you as well. So peace is very vital to growth and development.

“We are gathered here now to celebrate growth and development, but that cannot be possible in an environment where there is no peace. I visited one of the psychiatric Centres in Calabar, the oldest institution in Nigeria, established over a hundred years ago. The place is now totally empty as a result of vandalization occasioned by EndSars protest.

“It is when you see things like this that you will appreciate the essence of peace. Psychiatric patients were discharged by the hoodlums and everything was stolen. I am sharing this so that you can know the essence of peace as a precondition to development. So I cannot overemphasize the need for peace for development to take place in any institution. So I thank all of you, especially the community of Keffi for making peace to prevail in this hospital”.

“The second thing I want to emphasize is the issue of partnership. Partnership is important in development because nobody can do it alone. No matter what you think of yourself, you cannot do it alone. You need the cooperation, the collaboration, the synergy, the coordination and the togetherness of the people around you to be able to make progress in whatever endeavour you lay your hand upon.


“And one of the things we are celebrating today is staff partnership. It is very important to always the people along with you, always listen to advice, even if the advice is not palatable to you, you still need it because you will never be good all the times. Perfection belongs to God. As human beings, partnership is very important for you to make progress.

“Part of the partnership again is the state government. Even though this is a federal government establishment, partnership with the governor as an individual and the state government as an institution is very important because this place is situated on this ground and not in the air. So you need that partnership and I’m sure the state government has been very supportive in diverse ways.

“The next thing is, always emphasize on the ‘Now’ because your being here is for a while and not all the while. Always remind yourself with a question of how you want to be remembered when you are no longer here. It is what you put on ground that would be your legacy. And generations later would say ‘when one man Dr. Yahaya Baba Adamu was here, these are the things that he did.

“Let me say you have done well because I have seen some of the achievements, not just on paper but on ground. The Amenity, Laboratory and the Dialysis Centres. These are critical things that are very important to the growth and the development of this place. Congratulations to you.

“Federal Medical Centre Keffi is one of the key institutions in this country that was able to separate Siamese Twins. This is one of the medical feats people believe cannot be done in our country, but I can tell you that the team under the headship of MD of this Hospital Dr. Yahaya Baba Adamu were able to separate these twins and they are alive till today. It is important to let people see and know what you are doing. It is like lighting Candle. You must light your candle and put it on the table so that they can see light. With all due respect, that is what the Bible said; that let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works. So if you are giving light, let it shine well so that people would know what you are doing. Of course you are doing a good job in this place and I congratulate you for that.

“So having gone round and seen everything myself, I can tell you that what I saw was good; and that it’s an improvement on what we have on ground in terms of service delivery. For Example, the laboratory, which is an integral part of infrastructure needed for patient care. I need to say that the most important part of patient management is the ability to make accurate diagnosis. You cannot treat what you don’t know, and part of what you need to make diagnosis is the laboratory. So I saw a laboratory that would make diagnosis possible, more efficient and accurate.

“Then saw the VIP Amenity ward, you know there are VIPs who come to the Hospital and want a VP treatment; of course, you have to have a VIP Ward available for them. Of course they would pay, though the cost is not much. Then we have the dialysis Centre for patients with renal failure and you need to do special procedures for them. It is probably one of the services that would have been referred to some other Centres but with this on ground this Centre can manage patients with renal failure.

On his part, the Medical Director, FMC Keffi, Dr. Yahaya Baba Adamu, said the aim of the ceremony was not to flash the achievements of the Management, but to accomplish the resolution of bringing about a transformation in the Health Sector.

“We are all aware of the great responsibility upon us (stakeholders) to mobilize accessible, safe and modern Healthcare Facilities for our people, which directly translate our vision which is “to emerge as a centre of excellence in healthcare delivery, sustained by dedication to duty, unity of purpose and respect to humanity.

“On assumption of office in July 2018, I was confronted with a massive challenge of lack of infrastructure to provide basic healthcare services in the centre which my predecessor also battled with. One of the highest revenue generating departments in the centre is the laboratory departments which has been constrained by lack of adequate space to render other vital and complementary services as it still operates from the old building inherited from the then General Hospital.

“To truly emerge as a Centre of Excellence, it became mandatory to embrace Global best practices where Tertiary Hospitals no longer run a compact Laboratory but separate Departments of Pathology, hence, the need for expansion to meet up with current realities. Therefore, it is not only ideal but necessary to build an extension in order to consolidate on the previous gains and to offer other services that were not available with the aim of delivering improved and effective services to our patients.

“One of the cardinal objectives of this Hospital is to “install hope in the community towards encouraging stakeholders’ participation and patronage for the growth and well-being of the Centre and the community”.

“This is why this management, with the support of the governing Board, deemed it necessary to complete the Dialysis/VIP Amenity Building in record time so as to improve patients’ care and reiterate our desire to provide quality, accessible and affordable healthcare services to our people.

“Today, we are glad to commission this edifice but it has taken the foresight, belief and hard work of certain individuals to actualize this goal. I want to take the opportunity to acknowledge the support of the Federal Government for providing the budget and especially my family and friends in the Ministry of Health, Finance, Budget and National Planning who ensured timely release of funds.

In his opening remarks, Board Chairman, Prince Sule-Iko Sadeeq Sami, appreciated the Minister for the enormous support given to the Hospital. “The first time you came to celebrate the site; today you have also come to celebrate our infrastructural development. We will not be tired of your enormous support”.

The Nasarawa State Governor, Engr Abdullahi Sule, who was represented by the Honourable Commissioner of Health Nasarawa State, Pharm. Yahaya Baba, lamented the dearth of Intensive Healthcare Facilities in the state and pledged to support the Medical Centre where and when necessary.

The occasion was also graced by the Emir of Keffi, HRH Dr. Shehu Chindo Yamusa lll and other principal officers of the Hospital.

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