By Samson Yaki

The Director General of Edo State Liaison Office in Abuja, Dcn Festus Osagie Osaigbovo has admonished youths to be steadfast and hardworking in the activities of the church as Christ remains the only legitimate source of wealth.
DCN Osaigbovo made the call at the Annual Harvest thanksgiving Service of St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, Oza, in Edo State recently.

DCN Osaigbovo enjoined the Youths to be hardworking in all their endeavours, stressing that hardwork pays in every ramifications; and that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.
His words: “I worked and laboured in this village before eventually moving to Benin City. We have a God who is a rewarder of hardworks and luckily for me He showed me mercy.
“That is why I am whom I am today. I want to assure you that if you are committed in ernest to whatever good that you do, by the grace of God you will be successful”.

The Director General, who was the Chairman of the Occasion, while appreciating God on behalf of his family and entire people of Oza, said it is good to thank God for His faithfulness as such will move God to more for us.

In his sermon, Rev. Father Jude Azuh, said it was sacrosanct for men to offer thanks to God Almighty for He is good and His mercies endureth forever.

He noted that in all things, we must learn to give thanks to God, while stressing that a thankful heart will always attract more blessings from God.

Rev. Father Jude Azuh who was elated by the presence of his invitees could not hide his joy seeing that the Chairman of the day, Dcn Festus Osaigbovo attended auspicious occasion.

He appreciated the DG for his quest to see that Oza is developed while saying that his developmental strides in the area has brought hope to those living in Oza and its environs.

He prayed God to continue to bless and strengthen the DG and his family members and urged him not to relent in his efforts.
He equally prayed God to raise more great men in Oza for her prosperity.

It was a Holy Spirit filled service at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, Oza, on Sunday 29th November, 2020 as worshipers of God in Oza Community rolled out their drums in celebration of their Annual Harvest thanksgiving and rendered praises and worship to God to mark His Grace and Faithfulness upon their lives and those of their family members.

The thanksgiving service was well attended by eminent personalities like Dcn Festus Osaigbovo, DG, Edo House, Abuja; Prof. EOS Iyamu, Dean Faculty of Education, University of Benin; Mr Nath Iyamu, a businessman; Mrs Agatha Okungbowa, a businesswoman, amongst others.

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