The Medical Director, MD Federal Medical Centre, FMC Azare, Dr Dauda Abubakar Katagum has expressed readiness for the upgrade of the health facility to a Teaching Hospital. Katakum revealed this to newsmen while recounting his achievements within one-year of his stewardship as Medical Director of the premier tertiary health institutionContinue Reading

Following the theme that led the BRICS alliance throughout last year, Russia has said that ditching the US Dollar is 2024’s top priority. Indeed, the country is set to embrace the chairmanship of the group this year. Subsequently, it discussed the current financial reality of the global economic order asContinue Reading

HRH, Alhaji Isiaq Ajibola (Akogun of Ife-Olukotun), former Managing Director of Daily Trust Newspaper, has lost his mother. Aged 110 years, she died in her home town, Ife Olukotun, Yagba East LGA, of Kogi State, after a brief illness. The centenarian was a devoted Muslim who left behind many children,Continue Reading