By Atinuke Zainab Zakaria
Russian government has said that Russia-Africa Partnership Forum will facilitate mutual cooperation between Russia and African countries in diverse areas including countering threats and challenges of our time such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
The President of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr Vladimir Putin disclosed this in a congratulatory message to the Heads and governments of African countries on the acassion of Africa Day.
Putin said the Russia-Africa Forum which was established in 2019 at the Russia – Africa Summit in Sochi has recorded a milestone development in the Russian-African relations, noting that the dialogue between the Countries has been brought to a qualitatively new level.
While recounting the numerous supports Russia gave African countries in politics, economy, training of civilian and military personnel when the continent embarked on a fresh journey on the path of sovereign development, Putin reiterates the significance of African countries as ‘promising partners, who enjoy well-deserved authority on the global arena and play an active role in addressing topical international issues’.He expressed optimism that Africa Day symbolizes the aspiration of the countries of Africa to freedom, peace and prosperity. “This holiday assumes special significance in the run-up to the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Granting of independence to Colonial Countries and people celebrated this year”, he said.