• Yarima’s Elder Sister, Barr. Talle, Said Iya was not killed by COVID-19
  • There were 5 gunshots on his body, he bled from Lagos to grave
  • El-Rufai’s Silence, Refusal to Condole Iya’s Family Disturbing
  • Subjects want Autopsy Conducted to Ascertain Course of Death

Cloud of darkness still hovers around Zazzau Emirate in Kaduna State following the mysterious death of the Iyan Zazzau, Alhaji Bashar Aminu.

Alhaji Aminu, who was the leading contender of the throne of the Emirate after the demise of the former Emir Alhaji Shehu Idris, had taken Kaduna state government to court for undue interference that cost him the throne.

The rumours that the Iyan Zazzau died as a result of COVID-19 complications in Lagos had since been debunked by family members and his close associates.

In the account of Barr. Talle, the Elder Sister of Yariman Zazzau, Alh. Mannir Jafaru, the  Iyan Zazzau was not killed by COVID-19, maintaining that there were 5 gunshots on his body and that blood was dripping from his corpse as he bled from Lagos to grave; indicating that Alhaji Aminu died after sustaining gunshots.

The death of the Zazzau Prince generated mix reactions among many especially his subjects, that the Prince could not have died for any reason, suspecting political undertone, and demand for autopsy conducted to ascertain the cause of his death.

Most disturbing is the nonchalant attitude of the State Governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai, over the matter; his continuous silence and  refusal to condole Iya’s family, has continued to raise more dust dust among the people that could lead to pointing accusing fingers at him, given the recent events orchestrated by the governor to deny the deceased his rightful place as the next Emir after late Shehu Idris.

Alhaji Aminu, who was one of the Zaria princes and a major contender to the Royal stool, lost the position to Alhaji Ahmad Nuhu Bamalli last year.

After the installation of Mr Bamalli as the 19th Emir of Zazzau, in October the late Alhaji Aminu instituted a court case challenging the emergence of Alhaji Bamalli as the emir.

Alhaji Aminu had approached a Kaduna State High Court sitting in Zaria to set aside the appointment of Alhaji Bamalli as the 19th Emir of Zazzau and declare him the rightful monarch.

He asked the court to declare him as the duly selected Emir of Zazzau based on the selection of the kingmakers which took place on September 24, 2020.

At the kingmakers’ selection, the late Alhaji Aminu scored the highest, putting him ahead of two other princes: the Yariman Zazzau, Munir Jafaru from the Barebari dynasty and the Turakin Zazzau, Aminu Idris, also from the Katsinawa dynasty.

With the dead of the Royal Falcon, it is expected that that has put an end to the Court case, which, perhaps, was the desire of the perpetrators of such heinous act.

If autopsy is conducted on the body of the late Iyan Zauzau, and the result is in affirmation of peoples’ suspicion, then hell may let loose in Zazzau Emirate as emotions are high in the camp of the late Iya to avenge for his departed soul.



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