By Shishir Kpawur Gbong-gbong

His Royal Highness, the newly crowned Igwe Ohabuike Ohia Di Uru Eze Igbo Keffi IV. in Nasarawa State, Chief Celestine C. Mbah, has expressed displeasure over the manner in which Igbos are sidelined in the political arena of this country, saying that, “Igbos have for long been  grossly and unfairly treated at the highest level of Nigeria’s politics and governance.”

The Igwe who said this in an exclusive interview with Palace Monitor recently, decried that it is on record that Igbos participated actively in the fight and struggle for the  attainment of Nigeria’s independence, as such do not deserve  to be neglected or pushed aside.

“What we are seeing as Igbo people in this country, we are not too happy. We are seeing ourselves as people that are being rejected or set aside, and you and I know that before Nigeria came into being we were one of the people that were in the forefront of our independence”, he lamented

“People like Nnamdi Azikwe used his African Pilot newspaper and fought for independence vigorously, Michael Okpara and a host of others seemed to have been   forgotten in hurry inspite of their been instrumental to the attainment of Nigeria’s independence”, the Igwe further stressed.

Chief Celestine said they are interfacing with the government for justice to prevail so as to reduce the instances of agitations swallowing the country at the moment and maintain that anytime there is social injustice, people will not be happy.

He called on Nasarawa State Government to grant Igbos the privilege of long stay and immense contribution to the growth and development of the state and draft Igbos into the indigenous policies of the state.

He said “Some of us have been here for a long time, doing business here, pay our taxes here; we are contributing our quota to the development of Nasarawa state, therefore Nasarawa state should know, and because of this, should bring us in and give us what is due for us”. He further Iamented that, “ I gave birth to all my children here, they don’t even know the East, but when it comes to the issue of admission, they will be told that they are not an indigenes.

“So, what  we are saying is that they should give us our quota here so that when our children finish their secondary schools here they would be given admission in the University here. I think if that is done, everybody would be okay and would be encouraged to put more efforts to contribute to the growth and development of the state”, Igwe added.

Chief Celestine thanked the Emir of Keffi, HRH Alh.  (Dr) Shehu Chindo Yamusa III for his fatherly role to the Igbos and other non indigenes resident in Keffi, describing the Emir as a man of peace and justice, who has done Igbos well in all ramifications, saying that the Emir does not hesitate to call the people to order whenever there was any sign of crisis in the Emirate. He prayed for God’s guidance and more wisdom for the Emir and to continue to lead his people well.

“He is a man that does things in a manner that everybody likes; like his late father who some people, because of his love for the Igbos, used to call him Igbo Emir not only to our people but also to other non indigenes resident in keffi. He has done a lot to Igbo people in general.

Igwe Celestine called on Igbo people in Nasarawa state to be law abiding, respect constituted authorities and put their trust in God, saying that Igbo people are known to be democratic people and we will not change, urging them to always follow due process to seek redress for any unfavourabe government policy, by taking more civilized ways to channel their complains.

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