By Waziri Isa Adam

The federal government has sacked the Registrar of National Examinations Council (NECO), Professor Godswill Obioma, following recommendations of a committee set up by the government early this year to look into various allegations which bothered mainly on incompetence, examination malpractices, unethical practices, high-handedness, and conducts unbecoming of a Chief Executive Officer of a national examination body such as NECO, levelled against him by the Board of the Examinations Body, Education Monitor learnt from impeccable sources at the Ministry of Education

Education Monitor gathered that since he assumed office in 2020, Professor Obioma tried to introduce, unilaterally, policies that, if he had had his way, would have eroded the unprecedented successes recorded by the examinations body over the years.

However, feelers have it that Professor Obioma has refused to accept the dismissal letter, instead, he has recruited professional lobbyists to pressure the minister and the presidency to reverse the decision.

He has also been following high level politicians close to the President to persuade him to intercede for him, promising to reward several of them with heavy contracts if he is eventually reinstated

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