The Academic Staff Union of Universities and stakeholders of Umaru Musa Yaradua University Katsina State have described the tenure of Professor Idris Isa Funtua as  Vice Chancellor of the University as colossal failure, saying that it was characterised by internal instability, unprogressive, unpeaceful and lack of collegiate atmosphere.
The stakeholders, in a statement held that the out-going VC steered the affairs of the University with napoleonic tendencies, destroying the formidable structures and other important layers of administrative systems of the University put in place by the efforts of his predecessors.
The collective voice of the stakeholders lamented the deteriorated state of the university systems as most perceived independent voices were sidelined or sacked, many academic staff trained by the University resigned and departed unceremoniously.
“There were concerns on how the University Laws were being flagrantly flouted. There were complaints with how university finances were being handled without clear accountability. There were grievances related to clear attempt to scuttle promotion of staff and how many academic and non-academic staff  were being victimized”.
Describing the exit of the VC as best that has happened to the university, the stakeholders maintained that the continued presence of this colossal failure in the institution in any form is a great disaster.
The statement noted that COVID-19 pandemic has further aided  the atrocities of the VC, whose tenure almost elapsed at the same time with DVCs Academics and Administration making the process of handing over power to any of the DVCs next in hierarchy difficult.
“Since the process of appointing a new VC as provided by Law has not started, the out-going VC, after paying himself a whopping N21 million as severance package, may be handing over to an acting VC.
“Traditionally, a DVC with some months in his bag, as the next in hierarchy, assumes this responsibility. But with the current set of DVCs both leaving almost at the same time with the VC, that option is unrealizable.
“This ominous conundrum was contrived by the fraudulent outgoing VC in order to ensure instability of the Council and collapse of the University after his exit”, the statement said.

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