By Mahdi Waziri Isa

The Management of Education Monitor Group of Newspapers, Publishers of – The Newspaper, Education Monitor, Diplomacy Monitor, Health Monitor, Palace Monitor, Green Monitor and Abuja Monitor newspapers, has congratulated the Head, Mass Communication Department, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Dr Adama Adamu over her recent promotion to the rank of Associate Professor.

A letter signed by the Chairman/Group Editor-in-chief, Education Monitor Group of Newspapers, Malam Waziri Isa Adam, described Dr Adama Adamu as a fast growing academic Icon in the Mass Communication community, not only in ABU, Zaria, but in Nigeria’s academic community.

“Dr AA, your recent promotion to the rank of Reader or Associate Professor of Mass Communication by the distinguished Senate of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, did not come as a surprise to anyone that knows you, giving your hardwork, dedication to duty and exemplary passion for scholarship” Malam Waziri said.

“Your promotion which is certainly a product of your years of tireless research and contributions to scholarship has not only positioned you as a star academic, but, as a scholar that will no doubt spur other young women folk in the academia to view and emulate you as a model “.

“It is for this celebrated achievement therefore, that we, at Education Monitor, pray to Almighty Allah to bless the promotion and make it an achievement that will benefit you, your family, first and foremost, in this world and the hereafter, and also benefit humanity in general”, the Group Editor-in-chief prayed.

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